Harriet Israel experiences ‘La Grande Bellezza’, and likes it.

  If you see nothing else all year, go and see this.   A frantic woman rushes through Bramante’s ‘Temptietto’, calling the name of her missing daughter. A nun is treated to a discount at an exclusive botox party. There is a giraffe in...

Flesh and Bone: Moore and Bacon at the Ashmolean

Francis Bacon and Henry Moore are hefty subjects for an exhibition. Both giants of modern Art in their own right, the combination was a promising one. But other than a shared era, could any more but tentatives links be drawn between the two? Such...

150 years of Munch: not just the man behind The Scream

On a recent trip to Oslo, I visited the 150 year anniversary exhibition of the work of Norway’s most famous artist, Edvard Munch. The exhibition, spread across two of the city’s galleries – the National Gallery and the Munch Museum – is the biggest...