3rd – 7th October 2024

The City of Parma have announced a celebration of 500 years since the completion of the great Dome of San Giovanni Evangelista by Correggio.  The beautiful monastery of San Giovanni will be opened to the public including the wonderful frescoed library.  For the first time, life-size images of the dome will be brought down to our eye-level enabling us to see all of the intricate details.

A city free of mass tourism, with lively Italian bustle on the beautiful streets and excellent food found in the trattorie.  It is pristinely kept and a true pleasure to explore.  The city is bursting with art and we will concentrate on the local artists such as Correggio and Parmigianino.  We will also spend one day in Modena and visit the Rocca Sanvitale in the countryside.   We have a backstage tour of the Teatro Reggio and will see the Cheese Masters at work in a Parmesan dairy.

There will be the opportunity to see two operas; La Battaglia di Legnano and Macbeth as well as two concerts.  The operas will take place in the beautiful Teatro Regio in Parma and one concert in the striking Auditorium Niccolò Paganini.  We have organised a Private Concert in the ‘Salotto delle Feste’ for our group at the Fondazione Museo Glauco Lombardi.

The trip will be a mix of monumental architecture, exceptional trompe l’oeil, delicious food and music


Thursday 3rd October
We will land at Bologna Airport late morning and take our coach to Parma. We should arrive in time to check in to the hotel and head out for a light lunch. In the afternoon we will have an introduction to the history of Parma and visit the Duomo to study the frescoes of Correggio, one of the most famous painters of the Parma school of the Italian Renaissance. The dome is filled with a swirling throng of angels accompanying the Virgin to the Heavens. We will then see the wonderful medieval baptistery, entirely clad in Verona marble and decorated with 13th and 14th century frescoes. The interior is like a stepping into a jeweled reliquary.

Our first performance will be a Private Concert in the ‘Salotto delle Feste’ for our group at the Fondazione Museo Glauco Lombardi before a relaxed dinner at an excellent restaurant

Friday 4th October
For those who wish we will set off early to visit a Parmigiano cheese dairy on the outskirt of town to discover the secrets behind this invaluable cheese. We will see the cheese masters at work and learn the ancient traditions of processing the milk. There will also be a chance to taste and buy the parmesan. We will drive on to Fontanellato and visit the magnificent castle surrounded by a moat, Rocca Sanvitale where we can see some truly beautiful frescoes by Parmigianino.

We will have lunch in the historic centre before returning to Parma early afternoon. We will then visit the Convent of San Paolo, here Correggio painted the refectory ceiling of the Abbess to represent a delightful pergola pierced with oculi through which cherubs and hunting dogs look down upon the observer. Diana, goddess of hunting, rides her chariot across the fireplace. The Abbess was an intriguing character and her convent was rumored to be rather lax.

In the evening there is the option to see La Battaglia di Legnano at the Teatro Regio di Parma. Set within the backdrop of the Emperor of Germany’s invasion of Milan in the 12th century, this tragedy in four parts follows two soldiers fight for the defense of their city, and for the affection of the woman they both love.

Saturday 5th October
In the morning we will have an exciting private tour of the Teatro Regio di Parma, this will include a visit to the costume department, set design and backstage. We will then visit the house of Arturo Toscanini, a charming museum full of interesting pictures and artifacts from the great conductor’s life.

After lunch we will visit the Exhibition ‘Correggio500‘ in the Monastero di San Giovanni Evangelista and see the rather wonderful library and cloisters.  We will then visit the church of San Giovanni with excellent frescoes by Correggio, Parmigianino and Anselmi.

After an early supper there is the option to see the concert ‘Ramificazione’ directed by Maxime Pascal at the Auditorium Niccolò Paganini. The programme includes Arnold Schönberg – A Survivor from Warsaw, Op.46, (voce recitante Thomas Allen), Luigi Nono – Il Canto Sospeso, Giuseppe Verdi – Stabat Mater Te Deum da Quattro Pezzi Sacri.

Sunday 6th October
In the morning we will visit the National Art Gallery of Parma to search out the city’s other famous son, Parmigianino. The gallery is also home to other great masters including Sebastiano del Piombo, Guercino and Leonardo. Not only does the gallery boast an excellent collection but it is also a feat of museum design. One last surprise of the day is the majestic wooden Farnese Theatre.

After lunch there will be some free time for shopping or further exploring of the various museums and churches. Tutors will be on hand with suggestions.

In the evening there is the option to see Macbeth in its French Version at the Teatro Regio di Parma.

Monday 7th October
After breakfast our coach will take us to the medieval town of Modena where we will spend the morning. We will first see San Francesco, where we can find the work of a local terracotta master of great skill, the little known Antonio Begarelli. We will search out his life-size scene of the Deposition which fills an entire chapel and cannot fail to impress. We will then visit the most remarkably preserved Romanesque Cathedral. It is no surprise that this is a World Heritage Site due to the amount of exquisite treasures within. We will finish with a light lunch in the heart of the town before our coach takes us to Bologna airport for the flight home.



The trip will be led by Charlie Winton and Dr Frankie Dytor. Charlie has lived in Italy and knows and loves Parma well. Frankie is a keen pianist and singer. She was a choral scholar at Trinity Hall, Cambridge, releasing a CD with the Baroque group Orpheus Britannicus in 2017. She has now returned to Cambridge to research 19th century European cultural history.


We will stay in The Palazzo dalla Rosa Prati which is on the edge of the medieval Piazza Duomo. The Teatro Reggio di Parma is within easy walking distance. There is also the opportunity for two friends to share a two-room apartment within the palazzo avoiding the single occupancy supplement.
Hotel website

Parma Verdi Festival

We are still holding a few tickets for all performances, so please let us know if you would like to attend the opera.

Festival website

AHA Opera Ticket Booking Form with Prices


We will organise an early supper for those going to the operas and one tutor will be around each evening to book dinner for those who would like to eat later if they are not going to the festival. We will divide the dinner bill equally between the group. The bill will be adjusted for those who have not had beer or wine.

All lunches will be set menus and some restaurants may also require a set menu for dinner.


We will travel in comfort in a private coach with air-conditioning. Busseto is 45 minutes’ drive from Parma.


Parma is a small city, so this is one of our less physically demanding trips. However, there is still quite a bit of walking and long days due to the opera. As is the case for all our courses, there is a lot of standing while we discuss the works we are looking at.


The fees are £2100 which includes accommodation and breakfast, all lunches, transfers for the recommended flight, transport when connected with teaching, parmesan cheese tasting, private concert, entrance fees, tuition, reading lists and local advice. The single occupancy supplement is £220 (double room for single use). Please let me know if you would like to share an apartment. Not included are the evening performances (see attached price sheet), flights, suppers and travel insurance. The group will not exceed 16 people.


We do not book the flights thus allowing you to travel to suit your budget, use airmiles, travel between different airports or on different dates. The recommend flights are with British Airways:

3rd October London Heathrow 07.45 – 10.55 Bologna BA0540
7th October Bologna 19:30 – 20.50 London Heathrow BA0545

To register

Please complete the online registration form and pay a deposit of £600 a head by bank transfer. Our bank details will be sent to you once we receive your registration form.


If you have any queries please email charlie@arthistoryabroad or call 01379 871800 (302)

NB you must buy your own flights