London Walk: The Art of Today at Frieze Art Fair

with Celia Higson

13th October 2024

Walk · Coffee · Lunch 

We are very excited to introduce our first curated tour of Frieze Art Fair on Sunday 13th October. The walk will be an introduction to the art market of today, and aims to demystify the art world and give Artemisia members an insight into collecting and curating. Visiting on the last day of Frieze means avoiding the crush of preview days and offers the unique opportunity to discuss with the gallery owners the success of the fair.

We will begin at Frieze Sculpture Park at 10:30am with an introduction to the art market and the sculptures exhibited. We will then enter the Frieze tent and guide you through the highlights from a range of galleries, investigating the different works shown by blue chip, mid-size, international and emerging. The walk will end at the artist-to-artist section, a new initiative of solo presentations curated by established artists. There will be a break for coffee half way through and an opportunity to either join us for lunch or stay inside the fair and explore.

Depending on availability, there may be an option to also visit Frieze Masters in the afternoon, do let us know if this would be of interest by sending Charlie an email.

The walk will be led by Celia Higson, an AHA tutor who has worked in a contemporary art gallery and was their representative at Frieze in 2021. Alongside being a tutor, she is also an Art Advisor and Exhibitions Manager.



*Please note that the price includes your £48 ticket to the fair*

Walk                                                                    £98 (to include Eventbrite Booking Fee)

Walk and Lunch                                             £145 (to include Eventbrite Booking Fee)

(2 courses, wine and coffee)


If you would like further information please email me on [email protected] or call 01379 871800.