Read all about it! The AHA Scholarship.

For those of you trying to save up your pennies to join a wonderful AHA course next year, you might want to check out our scholarship. The winner is awarded the worth of a 2-week summer course which they can use to join us during...

Divine Da Vinci

Da Vinci. The name that resonates around the world as one the greatest artists to have walked to Earth. It isn’t everyday that one of his works comes up for sale. In fact, it’s more of a ‘once in a lifetime’ kind of thing,...

Photo of Bernini's sculpture of an elephant, in Piazza Minerva, Rome, with the Pantheon on the background.

Why the Elephant…?

A number of students have asked us why we have a sculpture of an elephant as our featured image. You’ll probably have seen him cropping up on our website, prospectus and perhaps even at your school’s gap year fair.  Well this isn’t just any elephant. It...

Summer – We Miss You Already!

Wherever you were this summer, you might have guessed that we were gallivanting around galleries in Italy with our wonderful summer courses. We started with the essentials and ensured our energy levels were up. We take our gelato seriously here:          ...

Flesh and Bone: Moore and Bacon at the Ashmolean

Francis Bacon and Henry Moore are hefty subjects for an exhibition. Both giants of modern Art in their own right, the combination was a promising one. But other than a shared era, could any more but tentatives links be drawn between the two? Such...