The Tapestry at Coventry Cathedral: by Anna Fothergill

Thanks for visiting Art History Abroad’s blog, we hope you enjoy it. We run brilliant Summer and Gap Year courses for students aged 16+. Follow our courses on Instagram or read our ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ reviews on the GoOverseas review site, or watch our video. The...

Lichtenstein: the view of a novice, by AHA alum Maddie Brown

  I wish I could sit here and give a discerning review of the retrospective exhibition currently taking place at the Tate Modern, celebrating the work of the American artist, Roy Lichtenstein. Honestly if you are looking for that, it is probably best to...

John Baret, redeem me? By AHA alum Maddie Brown

  My last essay of term was on material culture and late medieval lay religion in England. Exhausted, and with my brain saturated with all the information I had stuffed into it during the previous seven weeks of term, it sadly was not a...

MoMA: Up Close. By AHA tutor Lavinia Harrington

The question of whether or not mechanical and digital images affect our perception of the original artwork takes us to the heart of art history, a discipline that since its inception has predicated the importance of authenticity. In 1934 Walter Benjamin stated in his...