Giotto's Scrovegni Chapel

As we approach Easter, Richard Stemp enjoys a minor Passion

One of the great joys of teaching for Art History Abroad is the possibility to see some of the great masterpieces of world art on a regular basis. Given this ‘regularity’, students – both young and old – regularly ask which is my favourite...

Venice Grand Canal night

5 Italian favourites from the AHA tutors

Our Spring Gap Year students are looking back at the highlights of their 6-week course, remembering a wealth of art and architecture as well as experiences like climbing Vesuvius and learning to make a three-course Italian meal in Siena.  So we asked our tutors...

20 years ago today…

We were so delighted to hear from our former Senior Tutor and Course Manager, Dan Evans, having reminisced with friends about his gap year.  He has kindly shared his thoughts on what has clearly been a momentous journey. Photos: Dan teaching in the Bargello,...

5 AHA favourites from three #supertutors

Last year we decided to run a series of social media posts highlighting our tutors’ “5 favourites from AHA“.  We asked them for their favourite Italian city, Italian dish, piece of art, piece of architecture and one of their most memorable AHA moments.  Unsurprisingly,...

The Doge's Palace in a Canaletto painting

Little Giovanni Antonio Canal … aka Canaletto

Where better to spend your summer then Venice? Especially on an AHA summer course right? Well, luckily, you can catch a glimpse of this magical city in London this summer. The Royal Collection’s summer blockbuster this year is ‘Canaletto and the Art of Venice‘....