Kisses on Valentine’s Day

Today, the hype surrounding all things pink, floral and heart-shaped is often thought to have been created by cynical businessmen selling cards and rose-clutching teddy bears. The sickly (rather than sweet) imagery thrown indiscriminately from billboards and social media the world over, is the...

A tutor is not the same as a lecturer

Director, Nick Ross, explains the why our AHA tutors have a very specific role. A tutor helps a student with their studies and the development of their ideas in situations outside a classroom, either individually or in small groups. It is this distinct role of the...

Taking the Leap: Why a Gap Year Is Your Smartest Move Yet

Taking the Leap: Why a Gap Year Is Your Smartest Move Yet If you’re somewhere between finishing high school and the early years of college, chances are you might be thinking “Should I take a gap year?” Well, we’re here to say, “Absolutely, yes!”...

Ten Ted Talks to spark inspiration

  We’ve cherry picked 10 of our favourite Ted Talks that will fill you with the desire to think, make and do.  1. Sir Ken Robinson, Do Schools Kill Creativity? “Creativity is as important as literacy and we should afford it the same status”...