A Day in the Life of an AHA course

 Part 1: The Morning Session The timetable said we would “begin our exploration of Rome with an introductory walk and a Church crawl via the Pantheon and Piazza Navona.” That doesn’t begin to describe our delight as we ventured out amongst the ochre-coloured buildings...

6 weeks that will change your life: the AHA Gap Year Course

We run a 6 week course across Italy (4 week option in late summer) where you have the opportunity to learn about Western civilisation through art, architecture & sculpture. We venture through Venice, Florence, Rome, Naples, Siena & Verona. If you’re 18 – 22 years old seeking...

Tumblr and the New Generation – a look into our ‘period eye’

Visual culture in the twenty-first century is profoundly different to anything that has ever gone before it. This may seem like an obvious statement – everyone, of course, is aware of the effect that new technologies have had on our perception of art. But...