Live and Online Lecture

Marina Abramovic

By Helen Oakden

25th November 2020 6pm

Live and Online Lectures

After our successful Spring Series we have now launched an Autumn Series of Live and Online Lectures.  We have an eclectic range of subjects which we hope will inspire and entertain you as the evenings draw in.  We invite you to sign in 15 minutes early to hear our news and future plans.  So, please join us with an aperitivo for an hour before dinner.

Marina Abramovic

Next Autumn the RA will host the first ever UK exhibition on Marina Abramovic and she will become the hotly debated topic of 2021. Many of us only know a little of this incredible woman and so we thought we would be one step ahead with a lecture to furnish us with the facts and debates surrounding her work.

Abramovic is the pioneer of performance art and Helen will discuss her 50 year career from its dramatic beginnings to how the artist, now in her 70’s, has developed her work to reflect her changing perceptions of the world. Helen will look at the question of whether performance art can outlive the performance itself; are the photos, videos and re-performances of younger artists just as valid? Abramovic has a superbly powerful presence and creates a very intense relationship between the performer and the viewer, more so than is achieved in the theatre. This will be a fascinating and revealing lecture.

Helen Oakden

AHA has been lucky to know Helen Oaken first as a student and then as a colleague and friend. Helen is Head of History of Art at St Mary’s School Ascot and is a tutor on our student courses in Italy during the holidays.

To Purchase a recording

A link to the recording is available for £15.60 via Tixoom and is valid for one week after payment.  Please follow the link below and then select the blue button ‘Get Your Ticket’

Click here to Purchase a Recording

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Please contact [email protected] if you have any queries