The State of the Art …Market Series 2

Morals and Messaging: Cultural Property Debates in Today’s Art World
By Cat Manson
27th January 2021 6pm

The lecture will be an exploration and debate about the rise of cultural property issues in today’s art world including the art market. Cat will look at why people collect and will focus on the context of collecting with conflict and geopolitical shifts in power in mind. Cat will highlight some of the great objects that are now questioned as ethically correct to own; and the concept of ownership. She will then discuss the role of objects in different cultures and importance of museums and access. Finally Cat will assess the rise of cancel culture and the effect of digital media on nuanced debate, before asking – What could or should happen next?

Cat Manson

Cat specialises in brand, culture and reputation communications. After twenty five years at Christie’s she now establishing a consultancy practice focusing on training, brand campaign project work and reputational PR matters. Cat has worked regularly in Americas, Asia and across Europe including supporting Christie’s expansion in the Middle East, Russia and China as part of the drive to develop new markets. Over the years, Cat led many high profile projects including in 2016 Christie’s 250th anniversary celebrations as well as multiple complex cultural property projects including the 2012 return of the bronze zodiac figureheads to the National Museum in Beijing. She also oversaw a multitude of PR campaigns during her tenure including Royal and Celebrity collections as well as high level consignments such as the Rockefeller Collection and Salvator Mundi sales. Cat has a Masters in Renaissance Art at the Courtauld Institute of Art and an Honours Degree in English Language and Literature from Durham University.

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