Live and Online Lecture

How to Read a Medieval City: Florence

By Nicholas Ross

Wednesday 5th August at 6pm

We are running a series of live and online lectures and we do hope you will bring an aperitivo and join us for an hour before dinner. We have chosen subjects to stimulate new interests and conversation, ready for the imminent return to socializing. We invite you to join 15 minutes early to hear information on AHA’s plans for the future and there will be time for questions and answers at the end.

How to Read a Medieval City: Florence

Cities have a signature, just like Florence. Looking at a map you can tell where a city started, often you can work out why. From the location of certain religious orders you can work out which districts were rich, where was poor, and therefore where you should eat and where to expect bigger, more palatial hotels. Much as it sounds like a historical trip advisor, one can also work out where the hospital is likely to be, where the train station should be, where was groovy and where certain sorts of painting are likely to have come from within a city. I could even have a good guess at where to go and buy a decent pen or a lens cap – all from looking at the map and which buildings are where. This will be a richly illustrated lecture as we follow the fabric and gems of Florence in context. Furthermore, once observed, this method can be applied to pretty well any medieval city in Europe – it’s what gives our cites soul. Sadly, it does not work in the USA, think of Los Angeles – it’s a different sort of place.

To Purchase a Recording

A link to the recording is available for £15.60 via Tixoom and is valid for one week after payment.  Please follow the link below and then select the blue button ‘Get Your Ticket’

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