Live and Online Lecture

Cubist Jokes (or Why We Should Take Cubism Seriously)

by Tom Parsons

4th November 2020 6pm

Live and Online Lectures

After our successful Spring Series we have now launched an Autumn Series of Live and Online Lectures.  We have an eclectic range of subjects which we hope will inspire and entertain you as the evenings draw in.  We invite you to sign in 15 minutes early to hear our news and future plans.  So, please join us with an aperitivo for an hour before dinner.

Cubist Jokes (or Why We Should Take Cubism Seriously)

Tom Parsons has always had a round about way of looking at art and no more so than his views on Cubism, honed while writing his first major book on Post Impressionism. At first sight, there seems nothing remotely funny about Cubism. Indeed, for many, it is all rather austere and for some, completely mystifying. Yet, seen through Tom’s oblique view, we will all learn to see the wit, the charm and the sophistication of this collaborative movement, one which did more to transform the way we in the West see than almost anything else. Though more than a century ago, the long arm of Cubism affects us daily and Tom will show us why.



We will be using Zoom which many of you may already be very familiar with. Once you have bought a ticket you will be sent an invitation link by email and you need only click on this link to join. If you do not already have Zoom you will be promoted to download or launch Zoom. Once you have clicked on this you will join the lecture.

Here is the link if would like to download Zoom in advance
Here is a link to a very short video on how to join Zoom

Please join 15 minutes earlier at 5.45pm to make sure we are all technically ready. I will be at the end of the phone leading up to and during the lecture for anyone who is having problems.

The lecture is £15.60 per household

Click Here to Buy A Ticket for this lecture only


Ticket Bundle to the second three Autumn Series Lectures is £42 per household

Click Here to Buy a ticket bundle of our second three lectures

Please email [email protected] if you have any queries.