Live and Online Lecture

Purity, Temptation, Sin and Repentance: Four Women on the Path to Redemption

By Dr Richard Stemp

2nd December 2020 6pm

Live and Online Lectures

We have designed a fascinating mix of lectures for December, all with a connection to winter festivities and Christmas – albeit some more loose than others! The aim is to brighten up the winter months with a bit of illumination. We invite you to sign in 15 minutes early to hear our news and future plans.  So please do join us with a festive drink before dinner and be entertained for an hour or so.

Purity, Temptation, Sin and Repentance: Four Women on the Path to Redemption

Inspired by the Sin exhibition at the National Gallery, we will consider the histories of the main four female figures in art; Virgin Mary, Mary Magdalen, Eve and Venus. We will discover what formed the characters that are familiar to us today and look at their perceived levels of purity, temptation, sin and repentance. We will ask what counts as a sin, and how do we repent? Are you more likely to connect Tracey Emin with Judas or the Virgin’s parents? After all, it turns out she is not as outrageous as Bronzino… What connects Ron Mueck to Hieronymous Bosch? Or the Master of St Giles with Andy Warhol? This fascinating exhibition explores works of art in ways you might never have considered – this lecture will try and answer some of the questions it poses.


To Purchase a recording

A link to the recording is available for £15.60 via Tixoom and is valid for one week after payment.  Please follow the link below and then select the blue button ‘Get Your Ticket’

Click here to Purchase a Recording

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Please contact [email protected] if you have any queries