Terms and Conditions  – Student Courses

The following conditions are part of your contract with AHA Courses Ltd governed by the laws of England.

These Terms and Conditions must be read by both the client (the person responsible for the payment of the fees) and the applicant (the person attending the course) because AHA has responsibilities to both the client and the applicant and vice versa.

INTERPRETATIONS: ‘AHA’ or ‘us’ refers to AHA Courses Ltd, ‘client’ refers to the person responsible for the payment of the fees and ‘applicant’ refers to the person attending the course whether this is a child under eighteen, a student or an adult. Where the word “tour” is used in our publicity, or this contract, it should be taken to mean student course.

  1. The registration form must be signed by the person responsible for the fees (the client) and then returned with a deposit of £600. This deposit is not refundable unless AHA Courses Ltd withdraws the course, see items 5 & 7 below, or alters the fees, see item 3.


  1. Payment of the fees must be made in full eight weeks (56 days) before the beginning of the course. In the event that a client/applicant is compelled to cancel the course, the following cancellation procedure applies: cancellation notice will only be accepted in writing by email or post following verbal communication with AHA’s office which establishes the date of cancellation.  Acknowledgement of the cancellation notice must be received from AHA before the client/application can assume their place on the course is cancelled.  50% of the total fees can be refunded if the cancellation notice is issued between 55 and 28 days (inclusive) before the start date of the course.  25% of the total fees can be refunded if cancellation notice is issued between 27 and 14 days (inclusive) before the start date of the course.  After this time, no fees can be refunded.


  1. The fees are based on tariffs and exchange rates at the time of printing. The right is reserved to revise the fees at any time in the event of variations in accommodation, transport costs or exchange rate fluctuation. AHA undertakes to absorb the first 2% of a fee change.  Changes to the fees amounting to more than 2% will be notified to the client/applicant in writing.  If the change is more than 10%, the client/applicant may withdraw from the course with the return of the fees and/or deposit already paid as long as notification of the client/applicant’s decision arrives with AHA 14 days from the date of the AHA’s fee change notification.


  1. A Client/applicant may transfer a booking to another AHA course, making the appropriate fee adjustments, or to another member of their family, bearing in mind the age range of the course. Where AHA has incurred recoverable costs, non-transferable flight/train tickets for example, AHA will charge these to the client/applicant.


  1. If AHA alters the airport (except those serving the same city) or changes notified flight times by more than eight hours or changes the hotel, AHA will make every effort to produce alternative arrangements or refund all monies paid by the client. Though under no obligation, AHA may compensate clients for inconvenience if no alternative arrangements can be found to remedy changes that arise within 35 days of the start date of the course.


  1. AHA reserves the right to alter the itinerary in Italy within reason and without notice should circumstances require.


  1. AHA reserves the right to cancel a course if less than eight clients/applicants have sent in registration forms 56 days before the start date of the course. Deposits will be returned to those clients/applicants who have applied.


  1. If AHA is obliged to cancel a course, all fees will be returned to clients/applicants except under circumstances related to war, riots, strikes, terrorist activities, natural disasters or other circumstances amounting to forces and/or acts of God. In

such cases, AHA will return monies paid by clients that have not been committed irrecoverably to the course arrangements.


  1. All applicants are expected to behave responsibly. AHA Courses Ltd reserves the right to remove an applicant from the course, in which case AHA staff will help the client/applicant to make arrangements for homeward travel but AHA will not meet any additional costs. The applicant is jointly or individually liable for any damage caused by them to property or costs incurred as a result of behaviour while on a course.  Payment for damage by applicants must be made at the time, before leaving Italy.


  1. AHA accepts responsibility for the accurate description of services in our prospectus and for the organisation of travel arrangements.AHA accepts liability for the proper performance of ground services, for personal injury, illness or death of the clients except when the failure of services, personal injury, illness or death a) are the client’s fault, b) are attributable to third party unconnected with the provision of services and are unforeseeable or unavoidable c) are due to unusual, unforeseeable and unavoidable circumstances which the company or its suppliers could not anticipate even exercising all due care. Where the failures of services are agreed between clients and AHA, compensation to a maximum of the fee value of the tour may be paid to the client by AHA.


  1. The staff of AHA are available to render prompt assistance to clients whenever requested and will provide, to the best of their ability, appropriate solutions to complaints. Complaints should be made at the time to AHA staff and thereafter in writing to Nicholas Ross at the address below within two weeks of the completion of the course. If a satisfactory agreement cannot be reached following a complaint, AHA will suggest the use of a special independent scheme devised by the Chartered Institute of Arbitrators to whom applications must be made within nine months of the return from the course.


  1. All applicants must have insurance cover for travel, including repatriation and medical cover, and they are obliged to inform AHA of the company providing the insurance cover and the Emergency Help telephone contact number.


  1. AHA carries public liability insurance to a value of £5,000,000 providing indemnity in the courts of any Country, except the United States of America.

Financial Protection for Clients

In accordance with the Package Travel Regulations 1992 of the Consumer Protection Act, AHA protects client’s money by segregating fees paid to AHA within a Clients Trust Account held until the completion of the tour.  This means that your pre-paid fees are safe should AHA cease to trade before or during a course.

Art History Abroad | The Red House, 1 Lambseth Street | Eye | Suffolk IP23 7AG
Directors: B.D. Ross● N.M. Ross B.A. (Hons).   A.H.A. Courses Ltd.   Registered In London. 2132281
Registered Office:  Yew Tree House, Lewis Road, Forest Row, East Sussex RH18 5AA.   VAT Reg. No. 381 8002 64